Dsc 0365


      CD on sale at  Editions Soldano

Pauline Lambert , musicologist :

This double CD groups works which have been recorded on August 2011 by Raul Maldonado and Christian de Chabot and others ones , fully restored, which have been engraved  by Raul Maldonado between 1970 and 1973.

That's the first time ,such a collection for voices and guitars has been realized, and remember to us how much alive are the old traditions and the Milonga, Chacarera, Estilo, Tango, Malambo rhythms ...

Raul Maldonado happily blend, all along his huge career, classical culture and deep love for Latin American Music. Christian de Chabot is also a guitarist whose art is expressed in all the repertories.

These two artists have been bonding by a deep  friendship and mutual esteem since 1981, date of their first meeting

            Christian de Chabot plays with delicacy and sensivity and let us listen all the colors of his instrument. To this mastered sensivity replies the voice of Raul Maldonado, so warm and full of memory. It is amazing to note how the tone of the voice, so special, remained intact since 1970, this tone which represents according Roland Barthes " the fringe of contact between Music and Language". Overmore, his performances as a soloist remain essential references.

Among the songs which are interpreted here, those of Atahualpa Yupanqui, famous Argentine Poet and friend of Raul Maldonado, reflect the "Gauchos" Culture. Their strange poetry is full of great existential strength and infinite grace....